As one of the leading educational book publishers in Malaysia, sustainability initiatives run deep in our core values, our day-to-day operations and business plans.
We focus strongly on practicing good governance and minimizing our environmental footprint. PPG focuses on the initiatives of sustainability in accordance with Environmental, Economic and Social (“EES”) risks and opportunities of the business.

Digital Marketing & Channels
Pelangi have expanded our sales channels in e-commerce in recent years, such as through our own online bookstore, Pelangibooks.com and other channels like Lazada, Google Play Books, e-Sentral and KakiBuku. In addition to the aforementioned channels, we have also utilised TV channels such as Astro-Go-Shop, baby products platforms and digital fairs in our local region.
Pelangi undertook the task of rebranding and redesigning of our website to enhance and smoothen our customer's online shopping experience. From visuals to usability, every single element is crucial to the customer experience which leads to a huge impact on PPG's brand ability to retain and attract old and new customers alike.
Content Copyright
Development and Protection
PPG’s success today very much relies on the talent pool of writers we have here in Malaysia, and PPG certainly sees Malaysia as an excellent country to develop its own pool of writers. Malaysian government has been supportive of copyright-based industry activities, through agencies like Majlis Buku Kebangsaan Malaysia (MBKM), Perbadanan Kota Buku, Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia and even Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia.
Through our regional offices in Thailand and Indonesia, PPG produces local publications for their markets and other ASEAN markets. The regional offices have helped PPG tap into the talent pools in different countries, sharing creative ideas and producing suitable publications for all markets.
In line with the protection of our copyrights, PPG initiates legal action against any copyright infringement in order to protect the copyright ownership of our products.
PPG sees publishing industry is now moving from an individualistic knowledge acquisition culture towards a collaborative knowledge creation culture.
Trends in Education
At PPG, we also strive to play a vital role in the development of Malaysia and ASEAN education systems, in the interest of economic prosperity, social empowerment and care for our environment.
PPG aims to be the leading and reputable book publisher for its quality educational publications in the ASEAN region. By working with top educators, authors and editors, we develop and improve learning methodologies to help in improving the regional education standards, which in turn will help to improve the national benchmark ratings such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in the International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) rankings. We also work closely with other esteemed institutions such as Malaysian Ministry of Education and IPST Thailand (Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology) as well. Such collaborations are carried out to initiate, coordinate, evaluate, execute and promote the study and research of curricula, which includes teaching and learning techniques in the area of science, mathematics, and technology at all educational levels with focus on basic education.
With the continuous effort to address issues related to the current and future trends in education, the Group will stay relevant and prosper in the coming years, in line with goals for different educational systems and delivery forms.
Digital Educational Contents & Products
PPG creates digital educational products to keep abreast with technological changes over the years. Our investment in Xentral Method Sdn. Bhd. has facilitated the Group in creating new digital related products which blend our contents with the latest available technology. The digital educational products include the interactive revision books series (“Interactive eBooks”), the electronic library (“eLibrary”), e-books, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), mobile based learning, customised assessment tools and other multimedia learning tools.
With ASEAN in mind, we intend to expand our digital products to enter the market by sharing the concept of existing digital products developed by the Malaysian team with our regional teams in Thailand and Indonesia while they explore their markets for digital products.
Apart from that, PPG is also collaborating with different e-book store platforms to promote Pelangi’s e-books and e-magazines to a wider audience in Google Play, Ookbee (Thailand), E-sentral (Malaysia), Kaki Buku and Amazon.com’s Kindle. In response to the needs of 21st century learning and teaching, PPG has joined forces with FrogAsia Sdn. Bhd. to deliver free digital quizzes via the 1BestariNet to Malaysian students. Powered by services and technology, these online platforms help PPG to improve educational access and outcome through our capabilities to create content and assessment.
Regional Expansion
PPG's participation in the recent ASEAN Publishing Forum held in Philippines has injected PPG with confidence in developing more publications that suits the potential ASEAN markets which has the largest segments of youth target audience under the age of 30.
Through our regional offices, more investment and product development will be placed in growing PPG’s footprint in ASEAN markets. Furthermore, our achievements have laid a solid foundation for our future and the challenges ahead especially in Thailand and Indonesia market, from which we can continue to pivot our business to seize growth opportunities and coming up with more localised educational products. The Group has seen good growth in Indonesia market last year and expects further growth in the coming financial year.
PPG will also continue to explore new forms of collaborations and develop new business models across the publishing or digital education boundaries in ASEAN countries. In addition, such collaborations not only grant us access to regional resources, expertise and reach, but more importantly provides us with insights and learnings to enable delivery of an immersive customer experience on a regional level.

Career Development
Performance appraisals encourage for performance improvement and offer valuable opportunities to focus on quality of work and common objectives to identify and correct issues with the job force. We responded to the outcomes of the appraisals, by providing training in areas such as sales, technical skills, compliance with ISO criteria and hazardous waste management.
In addition, we are focused on continuing to attract top talent from universities and encouraging candidates to bring their unique skills and experiences to our company. Hiring fresh young talent is an important strategic way to secure innovative thinkers who will contribute greatly to the company. Thus, we are continuously committed by hiring interns and offer full time positions.​ Since 2016, PPG introduced ESOS for all its eligible employees. Under the scheme, PPG employees have the option to exercise their entitled share options from 2017 onwards. The scheme is a way to reward good-performing loyal employees, while motivating employees to help PPG in reaching greater heights in future years.
Conducive Workplace
As PPG recognises the great importance of employees as company's valuable assets, it has provided a safe and healthy working environment to its employee with comprehensive occupational health and safety resources.
Ethical and Responsible Business
PPG is committed to the highest standards of ethical business conduct and we take zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. The Code of Business Practice applies to vendors, contractors and temporary employees. ​Compliance in the workplace starts with respect for basic human rights and dignity. PPG’s Code of Conduct gives us clear guidance on ethics at workplace.
Diversity and Equal Opportunities
PPG is committed to provide equality of opportunities to all existing and prospective employees without discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, race, marital status, nationality, colour, ethnic or national origin, age or disability.
Responsible Paper Procurement​
Being responsible and environmental friendly, PPG continuously strives for improvements in its paper procurement process by taking the following actions:
1. Comply with all relevant environmental legislations, regulations and other relevant requirements and adopt a dedicated approach for more stringent requirements in the future;
2. Promote eco-conscious products, services and solutions and minimise consumption of natural resources;
3. Promote recycling through integrated recycling system of our used products;
4. Minimise emissions of pollutants to air, water and land;
5. Create environmental, safety and health awareness among all employees, distributors and suppliers;
6. Provide a clean and conducive working environment;
7. Promote individual practices towards preserving the environment;
8. Promote purchase of eco-conscious green products.

PPG invests in communities to instill reading habits and to develop future best-seller writers. PPG directs its community support towards local education, by organising knowledge sharing session through the collaboration of different local organizations. Such initiatives enable us to reach out to communities and help us obtain valuable product feedback at the same time.
Recent community reach out programmes include Science and Mathematics teachers’ training seminars, in collaboration with Malaysian Ministry of Education departments, seminar on Teaching Science, in collaboration with Ministry of Education Thailand and kindergarten projects seminars, in collaboration with Suan Dusit University, Thailand.
Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) Activities
PPG is committed in giving back to communities and being a responsible corporate citizen. PPG has been active in the community and supported a range of activities including donations to orphanage and old folks’ home. Employee’s participation is the key to success of these initiatives. Such initiatives helped to increase employee’s interaction outside working hours, build camaraderie and support inter-departmental bonds. Whilst communities benefit, our employees benefit too.
The Group seeks to make positive impact by promoting education and literacy, supporting our authors, and helping our local communities through innumerable local activities. Each year, PPG donates thousands of books to various school libraries, community libraries and charitable organisations. Books are given to low-income families to promote reading among children who have less or no access to books.